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Resumen de El Cant de la Sibil·la a la Catedral de Barcelona (Edició de textos i estudi de la segona època de la representació: ss. XV-XVI)

Josep Baucells i Reig

  • This work presents for the first time the critica1 edition of the famous Song of Sybil in the Catalan version by means of three texts: two conserved in codices of Barcelona Cathedral and the other printed in Barcelona in 1560. lncluded are the respective rnelodies in current transcription, together with the Common Latin version and its music. The performance, or more correctly its execution, is studied based on an extraordinary collection of docurnents (period 1482-1575). These present some very interesting and largely unique details of !he ceremony which was performed in Barcelona Cathedral over a period of 100 years and for the last time in 1575, the only ceremony that remained in the Renaissance of the Liturgical Plays which in earlier times enjoyed a great vitality in Barcelona Cathedral.

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