Adolfo Cruz Gómez, Jonathan Franco López, Asela del Carmen Rodríguez Varela
Girardinichthys multiradiatus is a viviparous fish endemic to Mexico located in the Lerma, Balsas and Panuco Hydrological Basins. In the State of Mexico, it is distributed mainly in the Rio Lerma Basin, and despite the relevance of this species due to its endemism, studies on its food are scarce even though they are fundamental to the knowledge of its biology. The specimens were collected in the Salazar Lagoon, in total 204 stomachs of this species (82 females and 122 males) were examined during an annual cycle. Percentages in number, weight and frequency, Zander's food importance index and Levins trophic niche amplitude were obtained for the analysis of stomach content. G. multiradiatus consumed 14 type food items and according to Zander index bivalves and gastropods, were essential dietary food for both sexes during study period. According to Levins index, the niche amplitude was low, so it is considered a specialist. In Salazar, mollusks and crustaceans were the basis of G. multiradiatus' diet. This species is carnivorous and the results in Salazar show variations in their diet compared to other reservoirs studied, which makes it necessary to carry out more studies on their trophic ecology in the environments of the State of Mexico in order to propose alternatives of conservation.
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