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Resumen de The flora of Kaliakra Nature Reserve with regard to its pollinators

Ekaterina Kozuharova

  • The specific steppe flora of the Kaliakra Nature Reserve (08E1 Western-Pontic petrophytic steppes Natura 2000 habitat) is analyzed with regard to the pollination syndromes and breeding systems assessed respectively in terms of the functional morphology of blossoms and biological types of plants. The entomophilous pollination syndromes are classified. Plants with dish-bowl blossoms pollinated by small bees, flies and beetles are dominant. Next come the wind pollinated plants. A floristic analysis of the flora of Kaliakra Nature Reserve shows prevalence of Submediterranean geoelements over Euroasian, Euro-Mediterranean, Mediterranean, Pontian-Mediterranean, Euro-Siberian, Cosmopolitic, etc. in the area. This corresponds well to the dominance of the dish-bowl pollination syndrome. Also, the abundance of plants with wind pollination syndrome corresponds to the specific steppe flora and vegetation in the area. The analyses of functional blossom morphology only roughly predict pollinators. Each particular plant calls for detailed research.

    Adonis vernalis L., Gypsophila trichotoma Wend. Crithmum maritimum L. are presented as examples.

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