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Resumen de Confluències musicals en temps de revolucions. L'etapa londinenca de Ferran Sor (1815-1823) i la seva relació amb Muzio Clementi i integrants de la London Pianoforte School

Marina Rodríguez Brià

  • català

    A inicis del segle XIX, Londres viu una activitat pianística efervescent. Quan Ferran Sor hi arriba el 1815, Muzio Clementi ja ha fet una aportació extraordinària a l’avenç del piano: un mètode, edicions i fabricació de pianos. A Anglaterra el piano esdevé popular i assequible. Clementi serà un pioner i formarà la primera generació de pianistes professio nals, coneguda ara com London Pianoforte School. Sor entrarà en contacte amb ells i amb el món de la composició pianística, on trobarà un model per a la guitarra, circumscrita a una música més popular.

    Clementi edita una obra de Sor dedicada a Kalkbrenner. Sor dedicarà també una obra a Cramer. També actua a la Philharmonic Society, fundada per Clementi i altres músics, i comparteix escenari amb aquests pianistes. En el seu mètode de guitarra cita aquests noms i d’altres com a exemples per imitar. A més, Sor compon les seves obres pianístiques a Lon dres. És aquí on coneix els protagonistes del piano i amplia la seva activitat musical. La troballa recent a Catalunya d’un piano Clementi & Co. signat per Sor obre una nova via de recerca.

  • English

    The beginning of the 19th century marked a vibrant period for the piano in London. When Ferran Sor arrived in the city in 1815, Muzio Clementi had already made an extraor dinary contribution to piano development with a method, several publications and the building of pianos. The piano became popular and affordable in England. What’s more, Clementi would be a pioneer who educated the first generation of professional pianists, known today as the London Pianoforte School. Sor would come into contact with them and the world of piano composition, finding thus a model for the guitar, which had been hitherto confined to more popular music.

    Clementi published a work by Sor dedicated to Kalkbrenner and Sor would also dedicate a work to Cramer. Likewise, Sor performed at the Philharmonic Society, founded by Clementi and other musicians, and shared the stage with these pianists. In his method for guitar, he mentioned these names and others as examples to emulate. Sor also wrote his works for piano in London, meeting the leading pianists there and broadening his musical activity. The recent finding in Catalonia of a Clementi & Co. piano signed by Sor has opened a new line of research.

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