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Resumen de Do classes in cooperative classrooms have a positive influence on creativity and teamwork skills for engineering students?

Raquel Martínez, Camilo González, Pascual Campoy Cervera, Álvaro García Sánchez, Miguel Ortega-Mier

  • Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjectstaught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Someprofessors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the newmethodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. Forthis project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The features of the subjects involved in the projectare widely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, andwe conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has theadded value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity andteamwork skills.

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