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Resumen de Acceptance level of junior high school students of network educational games

Guo-Wei Chen, Chung-Shan Sun

  • The development of network games has opened up a brand new era of digital learning and has also inspired another kind ofeducational model. Context learning with games not only achieves the objectives of education, but also makes learning as fun asplaying games. If learners can learn through playing games, the model of traditional learning can become more vivid andinteresting. By promoting educational games, we can bring about an evolution of the model of educational activities. The purposeof this study is to figure out the impacts of ‘‘concentration,’’ ‘‘sense of control,’’ and ‘‘sense of immersion’’ on junior high schoolstudents by investigating the acceptance level of t network educational games on the ‘‘Educational Portal of Taipei City—FlyingSky Interaction Learning Campus’’ in Taipei City. This study also considers three background variations, including ‘‘gender,’’‘‘grade,’’ and ‘‘urban or rural’’ respectively. The results show that the acceptance level of the educational game websites is generallyabove average. We also find that the students in higher grades have greater self-control when it comes to the ‘‘sense of immersion.’’Therefore, we can adopt a new type of learning model in the future via the improvement of the content and interface ofeducational games.

Fundación Dialnet

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