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Resumen de Educational software for diesel engine simulation performance and parametric analysis

Miguel Torres García, Francisco José Jiménez-Espadafor Aguilar, Elisa Carvajal-Trujillo, Jose Antonio Becerra Villanueva

  • The development, implementation and evaluation of a virtual instrument that allows a detailed diesel engine simulationperformance and parametric analysis of the combustion process are described. The stimulus for developing this computer-aidededucational tool derives from the continuing need for the engineer to understand and apply mathematical models in enginesimulation. The application of software in teaching internal combustion engines can help students to improve their parametricanalysis and allow them to understand diesel combustion better. The educational software of Simulation and parametric analysisare developed and visualized using MATLAB code and the designed graphical user interface (GUI) respectively.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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