H. F. Zhang, W.Y. Ong, S.K. Leong, L. J. Garey
Blood vesse ls in fro nt a l a nd te mp o ra l cerebral cortex of ad ults and two in fa nts aged 5 mo nths and 5 yea rs we re stud ied by e lec tron mi croscopy. The ce lls o utside the endothe lium were cl assified o n the ir ultrastructural characteristics. Fibroblasts had prominent ro ugh endoplasmi c re ti culum and few mitocho ndri a in the cy top lasm . They we re d iffe re nt from pe ri cy tes, which contained a prominent Golgi apparatus but onl y a few, isolated profil es of ro ugh endoplasmi c reti culum .
Smooth muscle cells we re distinguished from fibroblasts and pericytes by the presence of filaments and caveolae .
Peri vasc ul ar cells were characterised by the presence of Iysosomes and granules of diffe rent sizes and e lec tron densit ies, and were present at all ages studied . Plasma cells had abundant rough e ndoplasmic reticulum in the cyto pl asm , and were present only in the 5-mo nth-o ld in fa nt cortex. Corti ca l vesse l di amete r inc reased w ith age.
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