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Resumen de La información cartográfica en el análisis geomorfológico de la cuenca del río Bullaque (Ciudad-Real)

José Muñoz Rojas, Rosa María Carrasco González

  • Approaching a GIS -based analysis of the geomorphic landscape of a medium-sized, mediterranean climate basin on continental Spain (Bullaque river basin,in the Toledo mounts range) is no easy task. Such task is even more complicated when the analysis is based upon primal cartography that is derived from authors that use diverse geological interpreting criteria. The results here shown are a resume of a process of analysis that include: design of a method to delimit the basin at an adequate scale and minimizing the possible errors, definition of the proper scale for both the size of the basin and the scale of the original maps and application of a method toanalyze both lithology and relief to define territorial units (litho-morphographic) based upon geomorphic criteria using GIS

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