Ian F. Pryme, A. Pusztai, S. Bardocz, S. W. B. Ewen
The growth of a transplant ab le murine nonHodgki n lymphoma tumour, deve loping either intraperitonea lly as an ascites tumour or subcutaneously as a solid tumour, has been shown to be markedl y diminished by in c ludin g ph y to haemagg lutinin (PHA), a lec tin present in raw kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in the di et. In NMRI mice fed PHA within the range 0.45-7.0 mglg d iet, tumours whi ch deve loped duri ng a 10 day pe riod afte r subcutaneous injection of cells we re about 35 % of th e dry we ig ht of th ose in lac ta lbumin-fed (control) animals. The red uced rate of growth occurred in a dose-dependent manner within the ra nge 0.45 -3.5 mglg d ie t. Based o n th ese obse rva ti o ns it has bee n suggested that a competition between the gut epithelium undergoing hype rpl asia and the developing tumour may occur for nutri ents from a common body pool, and this may be an important fac tor with rega rd to the observed initial low level of tumour growth fo llowing the feeding of a PHA-contai ning di et. Obse rvations which showed th at the leve l of hype rpl asia of th e s ma ll b owe l in response to feeding the PHA diets was hig her in noninjected mi ce compared to those w hich had been injected w ith tumo ur ce lls s ubst a nti a te d th e co nce pt of competition be tween g ut and tumour fo r nutri ents etc.
required fo r growth. Experiments with a second murine tumour cell line (a plasmacytoma) in Balb/c mice gave similar results indica ting that the effect of PHA was not restricted to a single tumour system.
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