El presente trabayu estudia la figura de la bruxa na rexón llionesa analizando las suas manifestaciones na tradición oral, especialmente las distintas tipoloxías de liendas que protagonizan, pues la imaxe d’estos personaxes fantásticos en Llión, al igual qu’ocurre n’outros territorios ibéricos, parez conformada sobre antiguas creyencias mitolóxicas relativas a númenes femininos nocturnos que s’asimiloron al estereotipu de la bruxa satánica que xurdíu a finales de la Edá Media.
The present work studies the figure of the witch in the region of León by analysing its manifestations in the oral tradition, especially the different typologies of legends in which they play a leading role, since the portrayal of these fantastic characters in León, as in other Iberian territories, seems shaped by ancient mythological beliefs related to nocturnal female numina that were assimilated to the stereotype of the satanic witch that arose at the end of the Middle Ages.
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