Resumo Na Península Ibérica o século XVIII caracterizouse politicamente polo reforzo institucional da idea unitarista de España e, no outro lado da fronteira, pola reafirmación da independencia portuguesa trala época de submisión dos séculos XVI e XVII. Neste contexto, o idioma galego xogou para os intelectuais non galegos os papeis de ignorado e de negado, sendo para uns unha simple variedade vulgar do castelán e, para outros, unha forma arcaica e rústica do portugués; pola súa parte, os intelectuais galegos da época prestáronlle ó idioma de Galicia unha atención en xeral circunstancial ou anecdótica, só transcendida polo Padre Sarmiento,quen, ademais de redactar unha breve pero ben informada historia da lingua galega, concibiu para ela proxectos rexeneradores que poderían empezar a tirala do estado de prostración en que daquela se atopaba. Neste artigo faise unha revisión crítica das achegas á historia do galego que no século XVIII fixeron distintos autores irmandados por unha actitude de base netamente historicista e, por tanto, caracteristicamente dezaoitesca: para eles, a pescuda sobre a historia lingüística da Península Ibérica podería achegar chaves preciosas que desen resposta ás preguntas que daquela se facían sobre o galego, o portugués ou o castelán
The Iberian Peninsula of the 18th century was characterized by the institutional reinforcement of the ideal of a unified Spain and, on the other side of the border, by the reaffirmation of Portuguese independence after the 16th and 17th century era of submission. In this context, the Galician language played for non-Galician intellectuals the role of an ignored and negated phenomenon, considered by some a simple vulgar variety of Castilian and by others an archaic and rustic form of Portuguese. Galician intellectuals of the time paid attention to the Galician language in a generally circumstantial or anecdotal manner that was transcended only by Padre Sarmiento who, having written a brief yet well-informed history of the Galician language, formulated regenerative projects that could begin to revive the language from its state of prostration. In this article I will provide a critical review of the contributions to the history of the Galician language made during the 18th century by various authors united by a clearly historicist attitude, which was characteristically 18th-century: for them, investigation of the linguistic history of the Peninsula provided precious keys to answering the questions they were asking at that time about Galician, Portuguese, and Castilian
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