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Detection of sarcolectin-specific receptors like the cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor in rheumatoid nodules

    1. [1] Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

      Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

      Kreisfreie Stadt Mainz, Alemania

    2. [2] Institute of Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Germany,
    3. [3] Department of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Johanes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany
    4. [4] Centre for the Pathology of Rheumatic Diseases (WHO Centre), Mainz, Germany
  • Localización: Histology and histopathology: cellular and molecular biology, ISSN-e 1699-5848, ISSN 0213-3911, Vol. 14, Nº. 3, 1999, págs. 771-777
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • Th e o bj ec ti ve o f this stud y was th e eva lu a ti o n o f th e re la ti o n b e twee n th e N - ace ty lneuraminic ac id-binding endogeno us lectin sa rcolectin and the cytokine macrophage migratio n inhibitory facto r (MIF) during development of rheumatoid nodules (RN) in se ropositive rhe umato id arthritis (RA). Sa rcolectin was purified and biotin ylated. The binding patt erns of this probe were analyzed in RN from pati ents w ith RA (n=23) and compared with the distribution of antibodies with specificity for MIF, fibrin , fi bronectin. In ea rl y RN, all areas of the inn ammatory tissue displ ayed presence of rece pt o rs fo r sa rco lec tin . Mac ro ph ages we re espec ia ll y positi ve. In ma ture rh e um a to id no dul es binding of sa rcolectin was restricted to the periphery of nec ro ti c areas, to e ndo th e li a l ce lls a nd pe ri vasc ul a r co nn ec ti ve tiss ue of m a rg in a l zo nes. Distributi o n patt ern s of MI F we re simili a r but no t id enti ca l. Th e histo log ica l sta inin g c h a rac te risti cs d e m o nstr a te sa rcolectin-binding receptors in RN that are altered upon disease progression. The finding suggests that specific inte rac ti o ns betwee n this endogeno us lectin and MI F may be involved in the course of RA.

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