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Resumen de Imagen, consumo, internet y reutilización: de lo permitido y lo prohibido

Francisca Ramón Fernández

  • The new technologies of the information and the communication (Tics) have supposed a radical change in the utilization of the available resources and the way of using them. The Internet age, in a beginning, and later the social networks have changed the scene of the consumption, specially for what refers to the images and his consideration as work. At present, the network of networks turns into an immense "supermarket" to which we have access, but it is necessary to bear the respect in mind to the regulation, to the effect that there are limits for the consumption. We propose to think on the consumption of images that is realized across Internet, having in it counts the different "juridical pathology" that him can affect, in this respect, aspects as the illicit appropriation, in relation with the protection of the image or photography for the legislation as for intellectual property. In the same way, we will detain in the reutilization of the information, and the different problems that can appear in relation with the intellectual property and the reutilization, to define the allowed and the prohibited.

Fundación Dialnet

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