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Resumen de New floristic records in the Balkans: 41

Vladimir Vladimirov, Mehmet Aybeke, Kit Tan

  • New chorological data are presented for 70 species and subspecies from Bulgaria (49-61), Greece (9-32, 43- 48), Republic of North Macedonia (33-42), and Turkey-in-Europe (1-8). The taxa belong to the following families: Acanthaceae (43), Alliaceae (47), Amaryllidaceae (69), Apiaceae (1, 44, 45, 62), Asteraceae (2, 3, 10-12, 33-35, 46, 50, 63), Azollaceae (49), Boraginaceae (13, 14, 64), Brassicaceae (15, 16, 51), Buddlejaceae (52), Cactaceae (65), Caryophyllaceae (4, 18, 19, 53, 54, 66, 67), Cyperaceae (40, 41, 58), Dioscoreaceae (17), Ericaceae (5), Fabaceae (20-23, 55), Fumariaceae (6), Geraniaceae (36), Hyacinthaceae (48, 70), Hypericaceae (7), Lamiaceae (56), Lythraceae (24), Najadaceae (57), Ophioglossaceae (9), Orchidaceae (59-61), Poaceae (31, 32, 42), Primulaceae (25), Ranunculaceae (26), Rubiaceae (8, 27, 37), Scrophulariaceae s.l. (38, 39), Thymelaeaceae (68), Urticaceae (28), Veronicaceae (29, 30).

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