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Resumen de Argomentazione e adesione dell'uditorio: Perelman e Aristotele

Silvia Gastaldi

  • The aim of Perelman’s Treatise on Argumentation is to develop an argumentation theory to be used for value judgments, in which the tools of formal logic cannot be employed. Perelman defines his theory as a new rhetoric, and states he is referring to the ancient Greek and Latin authors, in particular to Aristotle. The essay analyses the similarities between Perelman’s argumentation theory and Aristotle’s rhetoric and dialectic, but also highlights their conflicting aspects. In par ticular, Perelman’s notion of ‘reasonable’, as opposed to that of ‘necessary’, typical of demonstrative logic, is compared to with Aristotle’s endoxon, that is, to what corresponds to commonly held opinions. The essay also examines the role assigned by both authors to the audience, since the purpose of argumentation is to obtain the agreement of listeners. In this regard, Perelman’s theory of universal audience is discussed in depth.

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