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Parkinson gaixotasunaren biomarkatzaile klinikoen paperaren azterketa, ikuspegi epidemiologiko batetik

    1. [1] Neurologia zerbitzua, Donostiako Unibertsitate Ospitalea
    2. [2] Neurologia zerbitzua, Donostiako Ospitale Unibertsitarioa
  • Localización: Osagaiz: osasun-zientzien aldizkaria, ISSN-e 2530-9412, Vol. 4, Nº. 1 (Ekaina), 2020, págs. 39-50
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • A study of Parkinson´s Disease’s clinical biomarkers from epidemiological view
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a movement-related neurodegenerative disorder. The overall prevalence of PD in the total population is around 0,1-0,3% and its etiology is hitherto unknown. Even if the disease has classically been defined as a pure motor movement disorder, non-motor symptoms (NMS), such as disautonomic, sensorial, emotional and sleeping disturbances, are also frequent in the earliest stages of the disease. Due to their early presentation, these NMS may serve as useful clinical biomarkers. Genetic forms are responsible of 15% of PD cases. Missense mutations in LRRK2 were first identified as a cause of PD in 2004 and nowadays are known to be the main factor in contributing to the genetic development of PD. One of these mutations seemed to be especially frequent in population of Basque ascent. With the aim of assessing the disease prevalence in the area, an epidemiological study was conducted in 2009 within the communities of Azkoitia and Azpeitia. Not only was the prevalence studied but also the appearance of NMS as possible biomarkers of PD was analyzed. Based on this, we thought that it would be interesting to study the same population sample that was previously analyzed in 2009, 10 years after. The purpose was to determine the relevance of age, NMS and environmental factors on PD development. In the conducted research, out of the whole sample studied in 2009 (232), information about 173 individuals was found. According to the results, there was an increment of PD along with the increase of the sample’s average age. Besides, the REM sleep behaviour disorder appears to be the most significant clinical biomarker of PD as well as the most meaningful risk factor to develop PD in the near future. All these outcomes need to be treated with some caution due to the reduced size of the sample analyzed.

    • euskara

      Parkinson gaixotasuna (PG), mugimenduen nahasmenduekin erlazionatutako gaixotasun neurodegeneratibo bat da. Populazio totalaren prebalentzia % 0,1-0,3 inguruan dago eta haren etiologia ez da guztiz ezaguna oraindik. Nahiz eta klasikoki gaixotasun motor bezala definitu izan den, badaude gaixotasunaren hasierako faseetan presente egon ohi diren zenbait sintoma ez motor (SEM) gaixoen % 90ean. Horien artean daude nahaste disautonomikoak, sintoma sentsorialak eta emozionalak, eta lo-nahasmenduak. Sintoma horiek goiz agertzen direnez, garrantzitsuak dira biomarkatzale klinikoak bilakatu daitezkeelako. Forma genetikoak PGaren kasuen % 15 dira eta ideia horren inguruan 2004. urtean LRRK2 genearen lehen mutazioa aurkitu zen, orain arte gaixotasuna garatzeko arriskua areagotzen duen faktore genetiko garrantzitsuena. Mutazio horietako bat euskal jatorriko biztanleen artean ohikoa zela ohartu ziren. Testuinguru horretan, gaixotasunaren prebalentzia jakin nahian, ikerketa epidemiologiko bat egin zen Azkoitian eta Azpeitian. Prebalentziaz gain, beste zenbait aldagairen artean, biomarkatzaile horien maiztasuna ere aztertu zen. Lagin berbera hamar urte pasa ondoren aztertzea interesgarria litzateke, adina, SEMen agerpena edota ingurumen-faktoreen garrantzia ikertzeko. Medikuntzako Gradu Amaierako Lana izan den ikerketa honetan, 2009an parte hartu zuten 232 pertsonetatik, 173ren informazioa jaso ahal izan da. Emaitzek diotenez, adinarekin bat, PGaren kasuen gorakada egon da. Gainera, REM loaren jokabide-alterazioak (TCSR/REMJA) etorkizunean PGa garatzeko arriskua iragar lezakeen biomarkatzaile nagusia direla ikusi da. Emaitza hauek guztiak lanak dituen mugekin aztertu behar dira, laginaren tamaina txikia baita.

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