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Resumen de L' esecuzione transfrontaliera delle decisioni nel regolamento (UE) 2015/848

Laura Baccaglini

  • italiano

    1. L' approccio internazionalprivatistico de! legislatore europeo alla disciplina dell'insolvenza transfrontaliera. - 2. Il sistema di riconoscimento ed esecuzione delle decisioni nel regolamento 2015/848. - 3. L'attuazione in Italia degli effetti prodotti dalla decisione di apertura di apertura di un fallimento, dichiarato in altro Stato membro. In particolare, lo spossessamento. - 4. Segue: ll divieto di azioni esecutive individuali. - 5. La liquidazione dell' attivo fallimentare italiano da parte de! curatore straniero.

  • English

    This paper addresses the cross-border enforcement of insolvency decisions in Europe. Notably, it examines, how the claims brought in the interest of an insolvency proceeding opened in one Member State can be pursued in other Member States. The topic refers to EU Regulation 848/2015 which, as of 26 June 2017, replaced EC Regulation No 1346/2000 without introducing any significant new features as regards the circulation such judgments, which remain subject to a system of automatic recognition. The reference made by such Regulation to Regulation No 1215/2012 makes the enforcement of those judgments equally automatic, without the need for prior exequatur by the court of the State addressed but only requiring the delivery of a certificate of enforceability by the court of the State of origin. The problem is examined by taking the liquidation procedure as a model, assumming that it was opened in a Member State other than Italy, where the insolvency practitioner needs to recover assets that have been disposed of by the debtor, after the opening of the procedure. The question is addressed as to how the insolvency practitioner can prevent the continuation of individual enforcement proceedings still pending and whether he can intervene to have the assets liquidated, withholding the proceeds. More generally, the problem arises as to which rules govern the liquidation of assets located in Italy and belonging to the debtor. In all these cases, the issue is whether the foreign judgment should be enforced and, if so, how it should be enforced.

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