Jaume Franquesa, Natalia Mamonova
ERPI (Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative) es una red académico-activista que tiene por objetivo comprender tanto el auge rural del populismo de derechas como las resistencias que se alzan frente a él. En tanto que miembros de esta red los autores han llevado a cabo un proyecto de investigación, comparando distintos Estados europeos, que ha arrojado dos conclusiones principales. La primera, que la raíz del crecimiento del populismo autoritario o de derechas debe buscarse en la crisis del capitalismo neoliberal y sus profundos efectos sobre el mundo rural europeo. La segunda, que marco de la soberanía alimentaria es el más propicio para articular coaliciones rurales progresistas capaces de hacer frente al auge de este populismo reaccionario.
The Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI) is a scholar-activist community that aims at understanding the rise of right-wing populism in the rural world, as well as the forms of resistance being built against it. As members of this network, the authors conducted a multi-country research project on the causes, consequences and cures of right-wing populism in rural Europe. Two main conclusions stem from the results of this project. First, that the root cause of right-wing populism is the fundamental crisis of neoliberal capitalism, which is especially pronounced in the European countryside. Second, that food sovereignty has the potential to mobilize various progressive rural across the continent and act as a counterforce to the spread of right-wing populism.
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