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Resumen de Cálculo del espesor elástico efectivo de la litosfera de la Península Ibérica mediante análisis espectral con el método del "multitaper"

David Gómez Ortiz, Rosa María Tejero López, J. Ruiz, Rosa Blanca Babín Vich, José Manuel González Casado

  • Effective elastic thickness of the Iberian Peninsula lithosphere was estimated from a coherence analysis of topography and gravity spectra. A multitaper technique was used to estimate spectra.

    Coherence estimates provide an average Te value of 17±3.5 km. Published flexural modelling Te estimates support coherence results. Furthermore, we calculated Te from previous rheological profiles of Duero and Tajo basins as well as for the Central System. We obtain Te values ranging from16-18 km (basins) to 12 km (Central System) consistent with coherence results. Tectonic evolution of the area involved an Early M esozoic rifting (Late Permian-Early Cretaceous) and a subsequent tectonic inversion period. Present morphotectonic units result from Alpine deformation events (mainly Neogene). No widespread volcanism activity or/and high heat flow values has been reported during intraplate domain deformation. Iberian lithosphere response to loading could be mainlycontrolled by its inherited mechanical structure, rather than its thermal state.

Fundación Dialnet

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