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Resumen de La complementariedad entre el método de enseñanza de sintaxis tradicional e inverso en 3º de E.S.O.

Francisco Javier Galera Fernández

  • español

    El presente trabajo analiza dos métodos de enseñanza de sintaxis aplicados en Educación Secundaria: la sintaxis tradicional y la sintaxis inversa. Del estudio de ambos métodos se deduce su complementariedad y su necesidad mutua a la hora de ponerlos en práctica. Así, el objetivo fundamental del trabajo es estudiar cómo se comportan los dos métodos en un aula de 3º E.S.O. y añadir un componente lúdico a su enseñanza que motive a los alumnos y los lleve hacia una mejora de los resultados. Además, para corroborar todo ello se recoge una muestra empírica en el Centro I.E.S. Rosa Navarro (Olula del Río, Almería) en 3º de E.S.O. Una vez analizados los datos, se proponen una serie de conclusiones que dejan patente el grado de complementariedad que puede existir entre ambos métodos de enseñanza. This document analyses two teaching syntax methods applied to Secondary Education: the traditional syntax and the inverse syntax. From the study of these two methodologies, their complementarity and mutual necessity are deduced when putting them into practise. In this way, the main objectives of this research are to study how these two methods work in a 3rd ESO class and to add a playful component to their learning processes that motivate the students so they can get an improvement on their results. Also, in order to confirm all these, an empirical sample is collected from the Secondary Education High School called Rosa Navarro (Olula del Río, Almería) in the 3rd year of ESO. Once the data are analysed, some conclusions are proposed in order to establish the degree of complementarity existing between the two mentioned teaching methods.

  • English

    This document analyses two teaching syntax methods applied to Secondary Education: the traditional syntax and the inverse syntax. From the study of these two methodologies, their complementarity and mutual necessity are deduced when putting them into practise. In this way, the main objectives of this research are to study how these two methods work in a 3rd ESO class and to add a playful component to their learning processes that motivate the students so they can get an improvement on their results. Also, in order to confirm all these, an empirical sample is collected from the Secondary Education High School called Rosa Navarro (Olula del Río, Almería) in the 3rdyear of ESO. Once the data are analysed, some conclusions are proposed in order to establish the degree of complementarity existing between the two mentioned teaching methods

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