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Resumen de Heat-induced antigen retrieval of epoxy sections for electron microscopy

S. H. Brorson

  • The purpose of this manuscript is to rev iew the literature on the use of heat-induced antigen retrieva l meth ods to enh ance th e immun olabeling of epoxy sections at the electron microscopical level. The history of the development of anti ge n retri eva l by hea tin g formaldehyde fixed paraffin sections in a buffer solution is g ive n in short, and how this techniqu e has been ex tend ed to resin secti ons and in particular epoxy ections is expl ained. Theories fo r the mechanism of enhancement of the immunolabeling of epoxy sections by th e heat-retri eva l meth od are discussed, and it is finally speculated whether most of the mechanisms for antigen retri eval on epoxy sect ions in hea ted buffer solution are essenti all y th e same as for conventional immunoenh ancing by depl asti z in g and etc hin g. The more accelerator used in the processing of the tissue the more intense the immunolabeling of the hea ted epoxy sections becomes. The intensity of immunolabeling of the epoxy sections increases with the temperature in the heated buffer solution, and the intensity is sign ificantly high er at high autoclave temperat ures than at 95 °C, Hea t-induced antigen retrieval is also compared with oth e r, conventional techniqu es for e nh anc in g th e immunolabeling of epoxy sections.

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