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Resumen de Fábrica de rocas salinas en una zona de cizalla (anticlinal de Súria, Barcelona)

Lourdes Miralles, M. Sans

  • The most external part of the Pyrenean fold and thrust belt is detached above a saline formation (Cardona salt). The internal structure of this detachment can be studied in the mines which drill the salt cored anticlines developed in the area. The shear zones and folds observed are coherent with a top to the south displacement in the detachment. The salt fabrics evolution related to the local shear zones developed in the overturned stretched limbs of the anticlines have been characterised by a morphometric study. This shows an elongation of the grains and a preferred orientation of their long axis. This orientation changes with respect to the stratification whereas it is subparallel to the shear zone.

Fundación Dialnet

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