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Resumen de Influencia de la vegetación en los procesos de podsolización en los suelos de la Sierra del Moncayo (Zaragoza)

Fernando Carceller, Victoriano Ramón Vallejo Calzada

  • In this work we study the effects of vegetation on the formation of Spodosols in the Moncayo Mountains, under mediterranean climate. To do it, we compare two soil profiles located at the same altitude, one under natural vegetation (Fagus sylvatica), and the other under conifer vegetation (a stand of Pinus sylvestris). A higher degree of podsolisation is observed under conifer stand. Since the substitution of Fagus forest is recent (no more than 90 years), the podsolisation process is assumed to be actual, and driven by the biochemical characteristics of Pinus litter.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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