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Resumen de Der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeitsausschluss der EuGVVO und des Lugano Übereinkommens

Alexander R.E. Kistler, Michael Daphinoff

  • The arbitration exclusion of the Brussels I System and the Lugano System have caused much uncertainty. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) unfortunately contributed to this uncertainty through ambiguous judgments in Rich, West Tankers, Gazprom and Gothaer. Furthermore, the effect on the arbitration exclusion of the most recent revision of the Brussels I System with the implementation of recital 12 and Article 73 para. 2 Brussels Regulation Recast remains unclear. Finally, the effects of these judgments and amendments on the Lugano Convention are still largely unexplored. This paper addresses this uncertainty and provides an overview and a guideline to these questions.

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