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Resumen de Capacidade de resposta das instituições educacionais no processo de ensino - aprendizagem face à pandemia de COVID-19: Impasses e desafios

Telma Luís Nhantumbo

  • português

    O artigo apresenta reflexões sobre a capacidade de resposta das Instituições Educacionais no processo de ensino frente à actual crise de COVID-19. Considerando que a pandemia alterou a dinâmica em todas as áreas de actividade social, económica e cultural desde a declaração do Estado de Emergência, facto que levou as Instituições Educacionais adaptarem novos modelos pedagógicos. Nesse sentido, o propósito deste estudo consistiu em analisar como as Instituições do Ensino Superior organizaram e planificaram as suas actividades para dar respostas aos problemas provocados pelo COVID-19, bem como o nível de conhecimento apresentado pelos professores e alunos no uso das tecnologias de informação durante as práticas de ensino - aprendizagem. Os dados foram recolhidos a partir de respostas dos participantes das Instituições do Ensino Superior dentre eles, três responsáveis pedagógicos, três professores e três alunos que responderam a uma entrevista sobre a eficácia das diferentes estratégias definidas pelas Instituições Educacionais para levar avante as práticas pedagógicas face ao COVID-19 que assola o País. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram a deficiente preparação dos professores e alunos pelo facto da pandemia ter lhes colhido de surpresa, bem como as dificuldades e as necessidades sentidas por estes, em lidar com as diferentes plataformas digitais durante as suas interacções online, apesar das Instituições Educativas terem reorganizado e replanificado as actividades para contornar a pandemia de COVID-19.

  • English

    The article provides a reflection of the responsiveness of educational institutions in the face of the current COVID 19 crisis. The pandemic has changed the dynamics of all areas of life including, social, economic and cultural activities ever since the declaration of the State of Emergency. This has led the educational institutions to adapt to new teaching models. In t his sense, the purpose of this study was to analyze how Higher Education Institutions organize and plan their activities in response to the problems caused by COVID 19, as well as the level of knowledge presented by teachers and pupils in the use of inform ation technology during teaching and learning processes. The data was collected from the participants of the various educational institutions, which comprises of three administrative staff, three teachers and three students who have responded to an intervi ew on the effectiveness of the different strategies defined by the educational institutions to carry out teaching practices in relation to COVID 19 which is plaguing the country. The results of this study have shown that there is poor preparation from both teachers and students. This is because the pandemic took educational institutions by surprise and they were not ready to switch from fac to face classroom interaction to digital interaction. Due to this, teachers and students find difficulties operating the different digital platforms used for online interactions, even when they do find their way through the system there are usually so many technical difficulties. In respect to this, educational institutions have reorganized and set out mechanisms to begi n face face classroom interaction whiles circumventing the further spread of the COVID

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