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Resumen de Case Study: Bearing Fruit:: the Longer‐term Effects of Management Training Using Interactive Video

Adrian Kirkwood

  • Interactive Video (IV) is combined with a small group workshop in the British Telecom course on ‘Appraisal and Counselling’, which has been used for training managers dispersed throughout Britain. Evaluation undertaken soon after managers had completed training with the course indicated that it had been well received by both trainees and trainers. The combination of IV and workshop was generally liked as it allowed the strengths of each method of instruction to be exploited. A subsequent phase of the evaluation project focused on the impact of the training in the longer term, ie the extent to which managers were able to apply what they had learned from the training course to their normal appraisal and counselling activities. Much evidence was found to suggest that the training had been successfully applied in the workplace, although a few difficulties still remained in terms of the constraints of the procedures or the working environment.

Fundación Dialnet

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