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Txirbil-harroketan erabilitako ebaketa-jariakinaren eragina laser bidezko prozesu gehigarrian konformaziorako trokelen konponketaren kasuan.

  • Autores: Jon Iñaki Arrizubieta Arrate, Magdalena Cortina, Marta Ostolaza Gaztelupe, Aitzol Lamikiz Mentxaka, Eneko Ukar Arrien
  • Localización: Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, ISSN 0214-9001, Nº. 38, 2020, págs. 327-337
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Analysis of the interaction of the residual cutting fluid with the Laser Metal Deposition process in the repair of dies and molds.
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • English

      The combination of additive and subtractive manufacturing processes is especially useful for repairing complex geometries and high-added-value components. The best solution for combining both processes is to integrate them in a single machine. Nevertheless, this combination entails a series of challenges, such as the impact that the use of cutting fluids in the subtractive operation may have on the subsequent additive process. In view of this situation, the present work aims to evaluate the effects of the deposition of AISI H13 hot work tool steel on a substrate impregnated with cutting fluid. For this purpose, different oil concentrations have been considered, and the attained results have been compared with the reference tests, performed on a clean substrate. In addition to morphological variations, it has been observed that when high oil concentrations are used, the deposited material is cracked, invalidating the parts manufactured through this approach. Therefore, in the case of AISI H13 tool steel, it has been determined that a cleaning stage is highly necessary in order to remove any cutting fluid that may be on the surface of the substrate before the additive operation is performed.

    • euskara

      Fabrikazio-prozesu gehigarri eta kengarrien arteko konbinaketa oso erabilgarria da geometria konplexuko eta balio-erantsi altuko piezen konponketarako. Prozesuak bateratzeko aukera onena haiek makina bakarrean barneratzea da. Alabaina, bateratze horretan erronka anitz agertzen dira, besteak beste, mekanizazio-prozesuan erabiltzen diren ebaketa-jariakinek jarraiko gehitze-prozesuan izan dezaketen eraginaren ezjakintasunaren ondorioz.

      Egoera horren aurrean, berotako trokelgintzan ohikoa den AISI H13aren kasurako ebaketa-jariakinarekin kutsaturiko gainazalean laser bidez materiala eranstean ager daitezkeen akatsen azterketa gauzatu da. Olio-maila anitzekin egin dira saiakuntzak, eta gainazal garbian egindako erreferentziazko saiakuntzarekin alderatu dira lorturiko emaitzak. Aldaera morfologikoak nabaritzeaz gain, % 100 olio-kontzentrazioko ebaketa-jariakina erabiltzen den kasuan erantsitako materiala arrakalatu egiten dela ikusi da, eta egoera horretan fabrikaturiko piezak baliogabetu egiten dira. Hortaz, beharrezkoa dela ikusi da AISI H13aren kasuan gehitze-prozesuaren aurretik gainazalean egon daitezkeen ebaketa-jariakinen garbiketa .

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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