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Resumen de I criteri di priorità nell’esercizio dell’azione penale

Paolo Ferrua

  • English

    Carrying out an analysis of the priority criteria in criminal prosecution, the Author highlights how these criteria express perspectives of criminal policy. The competence to identify them lies within the responsibility of Parliament and not of the Judiciary. The fact that the Judiciary is recruited though an official competition makes the Judiciary not politically responsible for this competence per se. To the Judiciary, however, remains the task of identifying the individual crimes to be placed within the priorities established by the legislator for general criminal categories based on the damaged inte- rests.

  • italiano

    Svolgendo un’analisi sui criteri di priorità nell’esercizio dell’azione penale, l’A. evidenzia come essi esprimano linee di politica criminale. La competenza ad individuarli spetta pertanto al Parlamento e non alla magistratura, reclutata per concorso e politicamente irresponsabile; a questa, tuttavia, rimane il compito di individuare i singoli reati da collocare all’interno delle priorità stabilite dal legislatore per categorie generali in base agli interessi lesi.

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