Oinarrizko errenta, unibertsala eta baldintzarik gabea, Espainiako Gobernuak onartutako gutxieneko bizi-diru-sarrera berria moduko baldintzadunak diren beste errenta batzuetatik bereiztea eskatzen duen neurria da, batzuetan nahasi egiten baitira. Kontzeptua azaldu ondoren, zer onura ekartzen dituen azalduko dut; izan ere, berez, kontzeptu gisa, pobrezia-egoerekin amaitzeko aukera ematen du; automatikoki, aberastasunaren banaketan dagoen desberdintasuna nabarmen murrizten du; errenta baldintzatu askotan gertatzen den pobreziaren tranpa ezabatzen du; enplegubal din tzak hobetzen laguntzen du; emakumeari autonomia gehiago ematen dio; eta ez ditu hartzaileak estigmatizatzen. Gainera, oinarrizko errenta puri-purian dagoen neurria dela egiaztatzen duten azken albisteetako batzuk jasoko ditut. Ondoren, oinarrizko errenta eta ekonomia sozial eta solidarioa erlazionatuko ditut, enplegua banatzeko beharra azpimarratuz eta oinarrizko errentak ekonomia sozial eta solidarioko enpresak ugaritzen nola lagunduko lukeen azpimarratuz. Ondorio batzuekin amaituko dut, Nazioarteko Konfederazio Sindikalak esandakoarekin bat egiten dudalarik.
The basic income, understood as universal and unconditional, is a measure that requires differentiation from other conditional incomes, such as the new minimum living income approved by the Spanish government, since they are sometimes confused. After explaining its concept, I will explain the benefits it brings, given that in itself, as a concept, it allows for the elimination of situations of poverty; it automatically implies a significant reduction in the inequality of the distribution of wealth; it eliminates the poverty trap, which occurs in many conditional incomes; it favours the improvement of employment conditions; it makes it possible for women to be more autonomous; and, it does not stigmatise the recipients. Furthermore, I will include some of the latest statements that prove that basic income is a measure that is currently in use. Later, I will relate basic income and the social and solidarity economy, stressing the need for a distribution of employment and how basic income would contribute to the proliferation of social and solidarity economy enterprises. I will end with some conclusions, where I endorse what the International Trade Union Confederation has said.
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