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Resumen de Expresión de la tectónica sinsedimentaria Aptiense en la subcuenca de Las Parras y su potencial estratigráfico (Cuenca del Maestrazgo, Cordillera Ibérica, Teruel)

Carlos Peropadre Medina, M. Nieves Meléndez Hevia, Carlos Luis Liesa Carrera

  • Evidences of tectonic subsidence during the deposition of the marine Villarroya de los Pinares Formation (Aptian, Urgonian Facies) is found in the marginal Las Parras sub-basin (Maestrazgo Basin, Teruel). This tectonic activity is identified by the presence of a wedge-shaped strata! package related to fault activity and block rotation. The base of the wedge is an erosive surface that laterally evolves into an onlap surface, being the top a drowning surface. The wedge in the eastern section is built up by four shallowing upwards sequences, describing a retrogradational stacking pattern. A clear change from bioclastic, quartz rich limestone to muddy limestone with rudists, occurs gradually from base to top of the section. The western section is thinner than the eastern one and it only records the last muddy phase. Integration of both outcrops shows a higher subsidence at the eastern portion of the fault. The little dimensions of faulted blocks in Las Parras sub-basin suggest the possibility of evaluate and separate tectonic, eustatic and sedimentary signals in the Aptian record.

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