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Resumen de CORESPI e CORITE, due nuovi strumenti per l’analisi dell’interlingua di lingue affini

Sonia Bailini, Aldo Frigerio

  • In this paper, two parallel longitudinal corpora of interlingua are presented: the CORpus del ESPañol de los Italianos (CORESPI, 474 texts, 124 648 words) and the CORpus del Italiano de los Españoles (CORITE, 385 texts, 103 147 words). The texts have been produced by 45 couples of Spanish and Italian as foreign language learners (A1- B2). The manner in which the texts have been collected, tagged and put on the Internet using the tool CATMA are illustrated. CATMA potentialities are briefly surveyed. The usefulness of this kind of corpora for the linguistic and parallel analysis and for language teaching theory is emphasized.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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