Pedro Wallas Soares de Araújo Felix, Maria Soares da Cunha, Mirelle Oliveira Silva
This work is interested in the conception of research in a teacher training course. The monograph aims to understand how undergraduates and teachers of the Full Degree in Geography course at the Regional University of Cariri conceive what is research and what is its role in the formation of a geography teacher. The main questions raised are: is the research present during the course and can undergraduates evaluate their contribution to the process of teacher education? How do teachers evaluate and include research activity in their activities? To answer these questions and achieve the objective, a bibliographic survey was initially performed, and later questionnaires were applied through directcontact and email to students attending the fifth and eighth semesters of the course and to teachers of the Geography course. After this empirical step, data analysis and tabulation were performed. Undergraduates understand research and its role in the initial training process. But many have not shown abroad view of its significance for the future profession of teacher and even in academic development. The teacher trainers have a rich conception and compatible with the researchers of the research theme in its educational principle. Many stressed the difficulty of working the research due to the student's difficulty in reading, theoretically grounding. Most include research in the disciplines they work. The research is important for the teacher is constantly updated and able to exercise teaching in a qualified way. Research really has an intrinsic link to teaching. Students and teachers biased research to achieve intellectual independence and lso to produce knowledge.In th eprocess of formation, the research becomes even more relevant seeing that it will be the basis of future teachers to innovate their practices and the geography they will teach.
Esse trabalho se interessa pela concepção de pesquisa em um curso de formação docente. Esse artigo visa compreender como graduandos e professores do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Geografia da Universidade Regional do Cariri-URCA concebem o que é pesquisa e qual seu papel para a formação de um professor de Geografia. As questões principais levantadas são: a pesquisa se faz presente durante o curso e os licenciandos conseguem avaliar a sua contribuição no processo de formação docente? Como os professores avaliam e incluem a atividade de pesquisa em suas atividades? Para responder tais questões e atingir o objetivo foi realizado inicialmente levantamento bibliográfico, posteriormente foram aplicados formulários de questões, através de contato direto e email para discentes cursando o quinto e o oitavo semestres do curso e para docentes do curso de Geografia. Após essa etapa empírica, foram realizadas análise e tabulação dos dados. Os graduandos entendem a pesquisa e seu papel no processo de formação inicial. Porém muitos não demonstraram uma visão ampla de seu significado para a futura profissão de professor e até no desenvolvimento acadêmico. Os professores formadores detêm uma concepção rica e compatível com os pesquisadores do tema da pesquisa em seu princípio educativo.
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