La biografía del escultor Pedro de Ávila (1678-1755), la gran figura de la plástica vallisoletana del primer tercio del siglo XVIII, se encontraba incompleta al no haber sido hallada la fecha exacta de su fallecimiento. En el presente artículo se procede a subsanar dicha falta aportando la partida de defunción del artista. Además, se dan a conocer una serie de nuevas obras atribuibles a él que vienen a incrementar su vasto catálogo.
The biography of the sculptor Pedro de Ávila (1678-1755) ), the great figure of the Valladolid sculpture of the first third of the 18th centuryt, was incomplete, as the exact date of his death had not been found. In this article, this void will be filled by providing the artist’s death certificate. In addition, a series of new works attributable to him are brought to light, which increases his vast catalogue.
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