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Resumen de The Impact of Episcopal Wills on the Artistic Development of the Castilian Sees in Late Gothic Times: the Last Service of a Prelate to his Cathedral

María Dolores Teijeira Pablos

  • español

    Los testamentos son un buen reflejo de las inquietudes e intereses de sus titulares que, ante el enfrentamiento con el momento de la muerte, disponen sus bienes materiales para mejor servicio de la salvación de su alma y la permanencia de su memoria. De la gran cantidad de datos de todo tipo que puede proporcionar un testamento, los de carácter artístico son realmente significativos. El presente estudio intenta, a través del análisis de diez testamentos de obispos y arzobispos castellanos del siglo XV, definir el papel que la obra de arte pudo tener para estos religiosos, tanto en vida como en el momento de la muerte, especialmente por lo que pudo suponer para las sedes catedralicias de las diócesis que ostentaron hasta su fallecimiento.

  • English

    Wills are a good reflection of the concerns and interests of their testators, who, when they are about to face the moment of death, dispose of their personal temporal goods to ensure the salvation of their souls and the permanence of their memories. From the great amount of data supplied by a will, its artistic information is really significant. The present study aims, through the analysis of ten wills made by Castilian bishops and archbishops in the 15th century, to define how important artworks were for these ecclesiastics, both when they were at their prime and when they were facing death, especially regarding the cathedrals of the dioceses they ran until their death.

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