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Resumen de Proceso de paz con las FARC-EP: una aproximación desde el uso pedagógico de ciertas polémicas públicas

Claudia Marcela Hernández Guzmán

  • español

    Throughout the recent peace process between the Colombian Government and farc-ep, various discursive situations acquired a controversial or polemical character. These situations, in light of the plebiscite held in 2016 to endorse the Final Agreement, seemed counterproductive to the positive outcome of the process. The purpose of this article is to analyze the pedagogical use that the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace gave to certain scenarios of public polemics, which took on a significant media force within the framework of Peace Pedagogy. Based on the selection of audiovisual and written material, we propose a reconstruction of certain discourses that were opposed to the peace process and of the counterarguments developed by the Colombian government, in order to highlight possible relations between the “pedagogic dispositive” and the public polemics. Finally, we point out that public polemics can be understood in terms of their pedagogical potential, which allow the opening of argumentation scenarios and a consequent resignification of knowledge and (re)configuration of identities.

  • English

    Throughout the peace process between the Colombian Government and FARC-EP, various discursive situations acquired a controversial or polemical character. These situations, in light of the plebiscite held in 2016 to endorse the Final Agreement, seemed counterproductive to the process’s positive outcome. In this article, we intend to analyze the pedagogical use that was given to certain scenarios of public polemics, particularly by the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace, which took significant media force within the framework of Peace Pedagogy. In this sense, we intend to investigate whether public polemics are only counterproductive to dialogue and thought processes or, on the contrary, understood in terms of their pedagogical potential, allow the opening of argumentation scenarios and a consequent resignification of knowledge and (re) configuration of identities.

  • português

    Durante todo o processo de paz entre o governo colombiano e as farc-ep, várias situações discursivas adquiriram um caráter controverso ou polêmico. Essas situações, à luz do plebiscito realizado em 2016 para endossar o Acordo Final, pareciam contraproducentes para o resultado positivo do processo. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o uso pedagógico que o Escritório do Alto Comissariado para a Paz deu a certos cenários de polêmica pública que tomou significativa força da mídia no âmbito da Pedagogia da Paz. A partir da seleção de material audiovisual e escrito, propomos a reconstrução de certos discursos contrários ao processo de paz e dos contra-argumentos elaborados pelo governo colombiano para evidenciar possíveis relações entre o “dispositivo pedagógico” e as polêmicas públicas. Por fim, destacamos que as polêmicas públicas podem ser entendidas em termos de poder pedagógico, que permitem a abertura de cenários de argumentação e uma consequente ressignificação de conhecimento e (re)configuração de identidades.

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