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Resumen de Las Guías Geológicas de Parques Nacionales: objetivos, contenidos y metodología

Luis Roberto Rodríguez Fernández

  • This paper discusses the neccesity to attend the social demand of geological maps and guides ofnatural protected areas. The IGME Geological Maps Department offers a proposal of a new divul-gative cartographic series: Geological Guides of National Parks. The formal aspects and scientificcontents ot this new series are also discusses. The geological guides content geological and geo-morphological maps of the National Park and the sourrounding area. The text guide contens a description of the geological units, the geomorphological and tectonic regional events and thegeological history of the National Park area. A specific description of the selected geological itineraries are also included. The methodology for the development of the National Parks GeologicalGuides is similar to the methodology for the National Geological Map; nevertheles sistematicanalytical studies are not necessary. The National Parks Geological Guides Program is a regularprogram totally financed by the IGME budget. However, in the near future, the program should beco-financed by the National Parks Authority.

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