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Resumen de Características hidrogeoquímicas de las aguas subterráneas vertientes a la Ría de Huelva

Manuel Olías Álvarez, Carlos Ruiz Cánovas, Juan Carlos Cerón García, José Miguel Nieto Liñán

  • There exist two main aquifers which waters flow to the Ría of Huelva, the Ayamonte-Huelva andthe Almonte-Marismas aquifers. In this work the distribution of physical-chemical parameters andmajority ions in thesem two aquifers are studied. In the Ayamonte-Huelva aquifer pH and electrical conductivity of water are slightly higher than in the Almonte-Marismas aquifer, probably due tothe greater abundance in the former of fine-grained minerals and a longer water-rock contact,although exist several points at the North with low salinity. In the Almonte-Marismas aquifer thereare two groups of wells. The first group situated on sands, has sodium-chloride waters and low pH(approximately 5.5) and electrical conductivity (below 1 mS/cm). The second group of wells, located on sandy silts, presents higher pH and electrical conductivy and calcium-bicarbonate or mixedtype of water.

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