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Resumen de Tarea de transposición y contactos funcionales de comparación: una revisión metodológica y empírica

Diana Estefanía Andrade González, Alejandro León Maldonado, Varsovia Hernández Eslava

  • español

    El comportamiento relacional definido como el establecimiento de propiedades relacionales a partir de atributos absolutos de los objetos, ha sido estudiado desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas, una de ellas es Teoría de la Psicología (TP), en la que se conceptualizó como contacto funcional de comparación. Con base en la revisión de la organización funcional del contacto de comparación, el presente trabajo propone seis criterios metodológicos generales para su estudio. Con base en estos se analiza la tarea más empleada y robusta en el área de comportamiento relacional, la tarea de transposición. Se realiza una revisión sistemática de la evidencia empírica generada con dicha tarea. A partir de esta, se exponen factores y parámetros identificados en comportamiento animal y humano que podrían constituir un punto de partida para la exploración empírica y sistemática del contacto de comparación en tareas basadas en transposición. Finalmente, se describe una propuesta metodológica empleando una tarea de transposición modificada y computarizada que constituye una primera aproximación al estudio de los contactos de comparación.

  • English

    Relational behavior defined as the establishment of relational properties from absolute attributes of objects, has been studied from different theoretical perspectives, one of them is Theory of Psychology (TP). In TP, relational behavior was conceptualized as the Functional Contact of Comparison, which refers to the formation of interrelationships between relevant properties of objects, their dimensions and the individual’s behavioral patterns. Based on the conceptual description of the functional contact of comparison, in the present work we propose six methodological criteria to study these contacts and based on these, we evaluate the relevance of the transposition task for the study of functional contacts of comparison.

    Transposition is an experimental task widely used to study the establishment of relational behavior. In this task, a relationship of “larger or smaller than” is established from one or more relational properties of the stimuli. In this paper, the transposition task is described in terms of the fulfillment of the proposed criteria by presenting a systematic review of the empirical evidence generated by transposition’ studies. Furthermore, we describe factors and parameters identified in animal and human behavior linked to the establishment of relational behavior that could be considered a starting point for the empirical and systematic exploration of comparison contacts in tasks based on transposition. Finally, we propose a methodological approach using a modified and computerized transposition task that could meet the criteria for the study of these contacts, in addition to enabling parametric variations, including those explored with the standard task (i.e. use of different relevant an irrelevant modalities, variations in the length of the continuum, variations in the distances between stimuli, among others), while opening the possibility to parametrically explore other relevant factors linked to active patterns of the participants (i.e. sequence variation, excess placements).

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