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Resumen de Noblesa personal i actes positius de noblesa a Catalunya: els "Cabos Celadores de Montes" i els "Subdelegados de Montes del Ministerio de Marina"

Santiago De Llobet Masachs

  • català

    Aquest estudi tracta dels privilegis de noblesa personal obtinguts per aquelles persones que entre 1748 i 1833 formaren part de !'estructura de la conservació de boscos a la corona espanyola, que tenia per objecte la reconstrucció naval de !'armada pel manteniment de les rutes marítimes i el control de les costes de l'imperi. Els oficis que donaven aquest privilegi foren el de Cabo Celador de Montes i el de Subdelegado de Bosques de Marina. En ser títols inclosos dintre de l'exercit, van gaudir del fur militar. Aquest treball, concretament, estudia els casos a les províncies marítimes catalanes. Aquests oficis, per la seva consideració com a actes positius de noblesa, permetien als descendents d'una mateixa família ser considerats com a nobles de sang, si demostraven un mínim de tres avantpassats que haguessin obtingut algun tipus de noblesa personal.

  • English

    This study explores the privileges of personal nobility obtained by those people who, between 1748 and 1833, were part of the conservation and exploitation of forests for the Spanish crown, which aimed at the naval reconstruction of the Spanish navy, because of the interest of the Spanish crown to regain of maritime routes and the coasts of the empire. The people who received this privilege were the men who held the positions of Cabo Celador de Montes and of Subdelegado de Bosques de Marina.. Since these titles were considered part of the military hierarchy, they enjoyed the military jurisdiction (fuero militar). Specifically, this work studies the cases within the Catalan provinces. These positions were also considered positive acts of nobility, which allowed the descendants of a same family to be considered of noble blood, if they accumulated a minimum of three ancestors who had obtained some kind of personal nobility.

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