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Resumen de La enfermería profesional en Cuba,: sus logros y avances

Eduarda Ancheta Niebla

  • español

    Para realizar esta reseña histórica hemos revisado abundante bibliografía en la que se puede observar el largo camino recorrido en Cuba por las enfermeras y enfermeros desde que la Enfermería se profesionalizó en este país. Analizamos cómo, en épocas pretéritas, el personal de enfermería se formaba a costa de un gran sacrificio personal, porque trabajaban a la vez que se formaban. Era frecuente que los cursos para acceder al título, se impartieran en los mismos hospitales o clínicas particulares en los que trabajaban y ellos mismos debían costeárselos. Se analizaron los cursos posbásicos que se realizaron desde 1909 hasta la fecha, separando los cursos de las Auxiliares de Enfermería por considerar que éstas, fueron un pilar importante para de la atención de Enfermería. Así mismo se detallan los cursos posbásicos que se realizaron antes de 1959 y todos los que se realizaron a partir de esa fecha hasta el año 2000

  • English

    In order to carry out this historical research, a significant number of bibliographic sources have been reviewed. The biography analysed showed the evolution of Cuban nursing, as well as both male and female nurses, from its professionalisation to the present time. This article will analyse how, in the past, nurses were trained at the expense of great personal sacrifices, due to the fact that they had to work and undertake postgraduate training at the same time. Frequently, nursing courses were given at the very same hospitals and clinics where the nursing candidates used to work, and they were obliged to fund themselves in order to get admitted. Postgraduate courses given from 1909 to the present time were analysed. Courses specially designed for clinical support workers were analysed separately due to the importance of this group for nursing care. In addition, two other categories were established based on chronological reasons: postgraduate courses given before 1959 and postgraduate courses given between 1959 and 2000

Fundación Dialnet

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