Santiago, Chile
El mayor capital de nuestra narrativa, enclaustrada bajo un techo de acero, es el yo, que ha dejado a oscuras a la otredad, el colectivo. Esta narrativa se adscribe rigurosamente al realismo capitalista, centrada en un yo, esencialista, deshistorizada, emotiva, privatizada en cuanto a la preocupación por él/la sujeto/a protagonista y su entorno afectivo; además, sin expectativas de futuro, en constante trayecto hacia el pasado infantil o adolescencial. La definición del momento histórico por el que actualmente atraviesa la literatura chilena, es el de un lento pero decidido declive hacia la insignificancia. No está a punto de desaparecer, por el contrario, se está publicando mucho, incluso en pandemia. Tampoco quiero decir que en este siglo no se hayan publicado obras valiosas. Las hay y en buen número. Más bien se trata del corrimiento de lo literario en su conjunto hacia una zona de insignificancia cultural. Camino a convertirse en un nicho de consumo definido por un rango decidida-mente decreciente, la literatura parece estar rebelándose poco frente a este dramático hecho.
The greatest value of our narrative, cloistered as it is under a roof of steel, is the self, which has left otherness and the collective in the dark. This narrative is rigorously ascribed to capitalist realism, centered on an essentialist, dehistoricized, emotional, and privatized self in terms of the narrative’s concern by his/her protagonist subject and his/her affective environment. It is also a narrative without expectations for the future, a constant journey towards a childish or adolescent past. The definition of the historical moment that Chilean literature is currently going through is that of a slow but determined decline towards in-significance. It is not about to disappear; on the contrary, it is being published abundantly, even in a pandemic. I do not mean that valuable works have not been published in this century. There are and in good number. Rather, we are witnessing a shift of the literary as a whole into an area of cultural insignificance; it is a narrative that is on the way to becoming a consumer niche defined by a decidedly declining rank. Literature seems not to be rebelling against this dramatic fact.
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