Haur Hezkuntzan arte garaikidearen bitartez emantzipazio- eta ahalduntze-prozesuak bultzatu ahal izateko, komenigarria da kontuan hartzea aukeratzen ditugun artefaktu artistikoak nola erabiltzen ditugun. Komunikazio honetan hezitzaileak haurren eta ekoizpen artistikoen artean egiten duen bitartekari-lana baldintzatu dezaketen aldagai batzuk aztertzen dira, lan hori askatzailea izan dadin. 4 urteko gela batean bizi izandako esperientziak emango dio bidea hausnarketari: haurrek buruhandi batzuk diseinatu eta ekoitzi dituzte, eta prozesuan hiru artista garaikideren lanekin elkartu dira. Topaketa horrek bide pertsonal eta kolektibo berriei, aurreikusi ezin ziren bideei, zabaldu die atea.
In order to promote processes of emancipation and empowerment in Infant Education through the use of contemporary art, it is convenient to take into account the way we use the artistic artifacts that we usually choose. In this communication, we analyse some variables that can influence the mediation work the educator does between children and artistic productions so that this work can be releasing. An experience in a 4-year-old children´s classroom generates reflection: children have designed and created some giant carnival heads, and during the process, they have met the works of three contemporary artists. This meeting has opened the door to new paths both personal and collective, paths that could not be thought ahead.
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