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Resumen de Persona e scelte di consumo fra conoscenze neuroscientifiche e nuove frontiere tecnologiche

Mariassunta Imbrenda

  • español

    El presente artículo tiene la finalidad de dar una breve visión de la reciente jurisprudencia en materia de gastos de traslado y obligación de entrega y recogida en el régimen de comunicación y estancia.

    Poniendo especial atención a aquellos casos en los que nos encontramos ante un desplazamiento de larga distancia, por la problemática que, evidentemente, genera.

  • English

    Neuroscientific studies place the jurist in front of unavoidable questions, which affect the conception of the subject of law as a rational agent and with it the very way of reading the law, unhinging its axiomatic foundation of rationality. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to rethink the issue of information asymmetries in market relations and question the effectiveness of the information obligations as corrective to protect contractual freedom; on the other hand, investigating the use of neuroscientific knowledge in the development of pre-contractual information content and communication methods designed to surreptitiously guide the choices of recipients, with the consequent applicability of the prohibition of unfair commercial practices to neuromarketing techniques. At the same time, in a context in which market power and competitive dynamics appear to be strongly conditioned by the availability of big data, we cannot neglect to consider the emancipatory potential offered to the consumer by digital technology, and the use of blockchain in the sector agri-food industry provides significant feedback.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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