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Resumen de "Pizarro al amo": un texto desconocíu en llionés del sieglo XIX

Iván Cuevas

  • asturianu

    Nesti trabayu publícase “Pizarro al amo”, un texto satíricu en llionés aparecíu nel 1879 nel periódicu El Porvenir de León y ignoráu polos estudios de literatura asturllionesa hasta hoi. Pa entender la importancia d’esti descubrimientu, ofrezse un repasu pola literatura n’asturllionés occidental del sieglo XIX, con especial atención a los pocos textos conservaos de Llión. A continuación, sitúase la obra nel so contexto históricu, periodísticu y políticu, presentando una hipótesis d’identificación d’ún de los personaxes criticaos. Complétase’l trabayu con un análisis lingüísticu qu’asitia la variedá usada en texto y afonda en delles de les sos característiques.

  • English

    This paper publishes “Pizarro al amo”, a satyrical Leonese language text that appeared in 1879 in the newspaper El Porvenir de León and was unknown until now to the Asturleonese literature studies. In order to understand the importance of this finding, a review of 19th century literature in Western Asturleonese is made, with particular attention to the few texts from León that are preserved. Subsequently, this literary work is placed in its historical, journalistic and political context, with a thesis on the identification of one of the characters criticised in the text. Finally, a linguistic analysis is done, locating the variety of language used in the text and delving into some of its characteristics.

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