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Resumen de Psychopathy Predicting Violent Criminal Behaviour among Adult Offenders

Sonia shagufta

  • español

    de cometer un delito violento. Estos hallazgos proporcionan importantes implicaciones para futuras investigaciones en Pakistán, específicamente sobre la psicopatía como factor de riesgo para el comportamiento criminal y violento. Los presentes hallazgos ayudarán a informar las decisiones legales sobre si los reclusos deben ser encarcelados como delincuentes violentos o criminales no violentos. Las conclusiones de la presente investigación se limitan a los delin- cuentes varones adultos encarcelados únicamente; por lo tanto, el presente estudio sigue siendo incapaz de reflejar el desarrollo de la psicopatía en mujeres o en la población general.

    Palabras clave: Antisocial, Egocentricidad, Encarcelado, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Psicopatía.

  • English

    The aim of the present research was to examine the role of psychopathy in predicting violent offending within a sample of adult criminal inmates from the prisons of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan (KPK). T-test and logistic regression was used to analyse the data. Logistic regression analysis revealed that a higher level of egocentricity and a higher level of antisocial behaviour predict a greater probability of committing violent offence. These findings provide important implications for future research in Pakistan, specifically concerning psychopathy as a risk factor for criminal and violent behaviour. The present findings will help to inform legal decisions as to whether inmates should be incarcerated as violent criminals or non-violent criminals. The conclusions of the present research are limited to incarcerated adult male offenders only; therefore, the present study remains unable to reflect the development of psychopathy in either females or the general population.

       Keywords: Antisocial, Egocentricity, Incarcerated, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Psychopathy

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