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Resumen de Multi-objective model for the problem of locating tows for incident servicing on expressways

Marina Baltar, Victor Abreu, Glaydston Ribeiro, Laura Bahiense

  • This article explores the trade-off between the maximization of traffic incident attendance and the minimization of CO2 emissions related to a real-world case study from Avenida Brasil, the main expressway of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We propose a mathematical multi-objective model including queuing theory to locate tows for incident servicing, having as constraints a maximum response time and a limited number of equipment. The model was applied to 3080 real incidents, occurred between March and June of 2018, and the results showed that when the maximum response time is restricted, the quantity of tows has to be raised to make sure that there is an adequate servicing. Therefore, the service level expected to be achieved in the answer to incidents is what most influences the results, regardless of the weight associated to the minimization of CO2 emissions.

Fundación Dialnet

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