[...]I note Ps.-Martyrius's tangential discussion on the sacred disease (...), which emphasizes John's affiliation with the ostracized leper community. [...]he suffered from a painful gastro-intestinal disease. [...]the arrow strikes her body and instantly kills the root of all evil within her.30 And finally, the episode ends with a damning reference to Eve's curse. For in addition to the other evils [i.e., the painful symptoms of the disease], the Demon who hates the human race sowed among all people a suspicion against these wretched brothers, a suspicion that believe that this sickness was contagious and that it could transfer to those who came close to it. [...]all of those people who dwell in homes and cities forbade that those with the disease should enter their houses or agoras, baths or cities.70 It is this final symptom-that is, suspicion-that is of key concern for Ps.-Martyrius.
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