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Resumen de Interview Roit Feldenkrais

Anna Mercedes Vernia Carrasco

  • Roit Feldenkreis started in the arena of classical music in the “classical” way. As a young girl she trained in Israel and the USA to become a soprano singer with everything that entails, practice, discipline and hard work in the face of challenge. This seemingly predictable beginning has converted into a road of exploration for Roit in which she has been constantly investigating and pushing the boundaries of the classical tra- ditions as well as cultural and geographical boundaries as an international orchestra conductor.

    Prizewinner at the London Classical Soloists Conducting Com- petition (2014) and a leading musician in the International music arena, Roit has served for 8 years as the Founder and Music Director of the Israeli Moshavot Chamber Orchestra, a leading orchestra in Northern Israel (2011-2019), located in the prestigious Elma Arts Hall. Under Roit’s leadership, the orchestra has dedicated itself to performing innovative world-premiere compositions by living composers from Israel and around the world, as well as regularly performing fami- ly-oriented concert series to promote classical music to un- der-privileged youth and annual charity concerts with talented young soloists.


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