El liderazgo de Rafael del Riego se vio influido por los factores contextuales de su entorno: las corrientes liberales y románticas. Su figura se vio convertida en un símbolo cuya sombra propició su trascendencia. Su liderazgo ha sido estudiado atendiendo al enfoque situacional-contingente, ligándolo a sus circunstancias. Además, su perfil participativo ha permitido distinguir su calado simbólico. Las variables personalidad-conducta-contexto construyen una figura completa para enmarcar el calado posterior, tras su muerte, encumbrando a la persona en símbolo e iniciando su trascendencia.
Rafael del Riego’s leadership was influenced by the contextual factors of his environment: the currents of thought of liberalism and Romanticism. His figure was turned into a symbol whose shadow favoured his importance. His guidance has been studied through a situational-contingent prism, tying him to the circumstances in which he lived. Furthermore, his participatory profile has made it possible to stand out his symbolic weight. His personality-behavior-context variables build a figure of its own and define his subsequent importance —after his death—, turning the man into a symbol and becoming the source of his transcendence.
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